China suppliers, manufacture these types of shackles: Bow shackle; D shackle ; Headboard shackle ; Pin shackle ; Snap shackle ; Threaded shackle ; Twist shackle.
Shackles, is a U-shaped piece of metal secured with a clevis pin or bolt across the opening, or a hinged metal loop secured with a quick-release locking pin mechanism. Shackles are the primary connecting link in all manner of rigging systems, from boats and ships to industrial crane rigging, as they allow different rigging subsets to be connected or disconnected quickly. A shackle is also the similarly shaped piece of metal used with a locking mechanism in padlocks.
We also provide:
1. SwivelEyeHookwith brass bushing or ball bearing.
2. Weld On Hook
3. EyeSelf LockingHook
4. Clevis SelfLocking Hook
5. Clevis Sling Hook withoutLatch
6. Clevis Sling Hook with Latch
7. EyeSlingHookwithoutLatch
8. EyeSlingHookwithLatch
9. Connecting Link
10. Eye ShorteningHook
11. Eye FoundryHook
12. Lifting Chain
13. Eye GrabHook
14. ClevisGrabHook
15. ForgedOblongMasterLink
16. ForgedOblongMasterLinkwithFlat
17. OblongMasterLinkAssembly